Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wireless Health Hazards
Wireless devices are everywhere. But are they affecting our health? The National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy recently mailed a report on the health hazards of wireless technologies to Governors, Members of Congress, and President Obama and his administration. They also mailed this report to health and environmental journalists.
They encourage legislators and journalists to learn more about the health consequences of electromagnetic radiation exposure from cell phones, neighborhood antennas, wireless networks, wireless routers, and other wireless technologies. The writers are concerned about the health impact on adults, children, and animals.
Experts assure us that there are no long-term consequences from exposure to electromagnetic radiation. I’m not so sure. I see the impact it has on my wife. If we use the microwave, she has to leave the room. Turn on an iPhone (even under the table) and she starts getting a headache. Drive under some power lines and she has an unpleasant feeling. I don’t feel it, but she does. Is it possible that she (and others) are miner’s canaries who are warning us something is wrong?
A petition to Congress signed by Americans in 47 states and citizens in 25 countries calls for Congress to mandate the Federal Communications Commission to revisit its exposure guidelines for radiofrequency radiation in light of research that indicates that current standards are not protective.
If there are problems with wireless devices, we need to know now before additional wireless infrastructures (such as Wi-Max) are built. At the very least, we should consider whether we should establish cell phone free zones and wireless-free zones. Electromagnetic field radiation may not affect you, but it affects my wife and many others who are more sensitive to this radiation.
And what about those already sick? Some scientist believe that certain illnesses are created or exacerbated by living in this electronic soup of radiation. I think it is time for Congress and the FCC to reexamine the impact of radiation on our bodies. I’m Kerby Anderson, and that’s my point of view.